We Canadians love our cars. They’re not only a convenience, but in most cases, they’re a necessity. According to Statistics Canada, there were 33,771,855 motor vehicles registered in the country [...]
Pleased to be a supporter of the ARNPEI Fall Conference!. Pictured above are David Cooke – Cooke Insurance, Audrey Fraser – ARNPEI and Heather Gregory – Cooke Insurance
Though it may not be front of mind on a day to day basis, Business Interruption Coverage is an absolutely essential part of any business operation. At its core, Business Interruption Coverage [...]
A fire is one of the most devastating things that a person can experience. The primary concern, of course, is that everyone escapes unharmed. Following that, ensuring that prized possessions such [...]
It goes without saying that with a rental car, insurance coverage is a must. Whether you’re renting for mobility after a flight or because you need a different kind of vehicle for a move or a [...]