Be Prepared for a Hurricane
Though Atlantic Canadians are fortunate to live in an area that isn’t prone to frequent and severe hurricanes, we are not entirely immune to the havoc that hurricanes can wreak. The following is a list of emergency preparedness tips to help you before and during a hurricane. BEFORE A HURRICANE… • Assemble an emergency preparedness kit, and keep it in an area of your home that is easy to access. Include battery-powered or wind-up flashlights and radios, a first-aid kit, bottled water, and non-perishable food. While we can’t control mother nature, we can take some precautions to keep ourselves and our homes safe during hurricane season.
DURING A HURRICANE… • Stay indoors, unless otherwise directed by the appropriate authorities. • Keep informed by listening to your local radio or television station, or checking online for storm updates, if possible. • Use your cell phone (not your landline) to keep in contact with friends, family or neighbours. Limit phone calls to ensure your battery life will last the duration of the storm.