Peace Of Mind On The Road
Because we know peace of mind on the road is priceless.
DAA Assured is your 24/7, 365 days a year roadside partner. Since 1948, DAA has covered members traveling in Canada and North America with more than 8,000 towing professionals ready to get you back on the road. Cooke Insurance is proud to now offer DAA Assured because we believe it offers the best combination of coverage and value for your already stretched traveling dollars.
- Cover your whole family. Associate memberships are available for family members living at your address.
- Coverage follows the member not the vehicle the member is driving or riding in (excluding commercial vehicles).
- Tow to any repair facility, not just the purchasing dealer.
- Any passenger vehicle you’re driving, whether you own it, rent it, or borrow it. The only exceptions are motorcycles, motor homes (you can add this coverage!), and vehicles used to professionally transport people, such as taxis.
- Optional monthly payments of $8 and $5 plus taxes also available.
- Towing, Winching, Tire Changes, Lockout Services, Battery Boosts, Emergency Lodging, Meals and Transportation – we offer you everything you expect in a plan and more!
Cooke Insurance and DAA Assured. Working together to get you home safe.
For complete details on this new value-added partnership, contact a Cooke Advisor today.
*All benets are subject to terms and condition
provided upon enrollment. |
Peace Of Mind On The Road2016-10-142016-11-22 Insurance