Protect your business against the cost of potential business legal disputes with Cooke Insurance Group’s NEW Business Legal Expense Insurance Protection & Advice Policy.

Types of Coverage

Flat Fees and Everyone Qualifies

Employment disputes

Legal Defense

Statutory License Protection

Contract Disputes & Debt Recovery

Property Protection

Bodily Injury

Tax Protection

Legal Advice

Why Legal Expense Insurance Is Important

It’s one thing to be right. Affording the COSTS OF PROVING IT is another.

As a business owner, there are many things that keep you up at night. From a legal standpoint, there’s disputes with employees, tax investigations, health and safety concerns… the list goes on.

The time and costs of dealing with these issues add up fast. Combine that with the financial risk and uncertain outcome of pursuing or defending your legal rights, it’s no wonder that many business owners decide against legal action.

Includes Legal Advice Policy

As a business owner, you will also receive free, unlimited access to a Legal Advice Helpline to discuss any business related legal matter (including tax advice).

You’ll also receive cost coverage for all reasonable costs incurred in pursuing or defending a claim. These include:

  • Lawyers fees
  • Disbursements such as medical reports, expert witness costs and court costs
  • Adverse costs in the event the judge finds in the other party’s favour

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