Through this easy to use and unique instant coverage, we are passing the savings on to you to reduce your ends costs.   As always, we are here to assist you if you have any questions.  Please contact us at 1-800-566-5666 or at .

Definition of a Public Event

A Public Event refers to any event open for the general public. It includes but is not limited to exhibitions, expositions, fairs, festivals, entertainment, cause-related, fundraising, and leisure events are all examples of a public event. This includes an event that is a one-time or periodic, free or ticketed, cultural, charitable or cause-related, and conducted for the purpose of attracting revenue, support, awareness, or for entertainment purposes for the general public

Adding an Activity or Event

If an event or activity is not included under the list of covered events, it can be added upon request and underwriting approval. Once approved, the rate will be established, and it will be added to the approved list.

Sporting Activities





Cross Country




Mountain Biking


Field Hockey

Racquet Ball

… plus many more including low-risk, medium-risk, high-risk and high-risk contact sporting activities. Note: some sports are excluded or part of premium classification coverage.
View full list of SPORT ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS insured under the program.

Non-Sport Activities & Events

Anniversary Parties


Art Shows & Exhibits

Award Banquets


Religious Services

Fire Trucks

Wedding Ceremonies

… plus many more including services and activities that can be added to both public and non-public events. Note: some activities are excluded.
View full list of NON-SPORT ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS insured under the program.

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